Friday, 30 May 2008

The Leader

This is what our Leader wants to say to you..


Anonymous said...

That was scary! The Leader is the best farter of them all but they will still pollute our skies!! How many does he lead...?

the belmattrons said...

The Leader is not as good at counting as he is at farting, so dos'nt know how many he leads but is the scariest message maker ever known.

G3T Films said...

Spooky, I thought I heard the leader speak to me this morning but when I turned around there was nothing there to speak of his presence but for a faint acrid smell.

My girlfriend blamed it on the dog.

We don't own a dog.

the belmattrons said...

That might not have been The Leader, you may have spoken with your mind.

Your girlfriend is telling you she wants a dog that speaks like you.