Hello Bellmatrons, I am an Earthling with feathers. I saw an Edwardian boy wearing a Bellmatron on his head in the beginning. Is that what you do to remain unnoticed in 2008? Or is there one of you BEHIND me like waht you did to that poor hobbo!?!
Hello Anonymous Eartling with Feathers.. we are The Belmattrons. We are masters of hiding in all years and places when we can find our map. You are'nt on our map but we will find you and talk Belm to you. The poor hobo is a poor Earthling specimen and we shit on him.
My comment went away and anon's reply came up on my screen...only it was a reply to a comment I made on her blog...strange things are afoot, and I now I need to go take a shit.
HOW COULD YOU? REALLY! To cut the hand from a poor hobo look alike and then whisper sweetly to the viewers of shit and bill adorned avian elastic hydrocarbon polymers. If it is the last thing I do, with the last ounce of my power, the last drop of my blood, I SHALL STOP THIS DECREPITUDE! I SHALL FIND A PHONE BOOK! I SHALL CALL THE EQUITY UNION... and at least make sure he's receiving proper compensation for the hand severance. About 2p should cover it methinks.
G3TFilms.. the hobo's hand just dropped off by itself and he has'nt noticed. You will never be able to stop us WE ARE THE BELMATTRONS and we are here to spread shit!!!
ElizT.. it was'nt one of us but if you had a spaceship in your Recycle Bin it will probably come back and throw you in the bin.
That's not a map, it's a circuit diagram for a late 20 century recreation of Von Kempelen's Chess machine. I think you just moved Queens Knight to Queens bishop three.
Hello Bellmatrons, I am an Earthling with feathers. I saw an Edwardian boy wearing a Bellmatron on his head in the beginning. Is that what you do to remain unnoticed in 2008? Or is there one of you BEHIND me like waht you did to that poor hobbo!?!
Actually, I think your ships planted themselves on Earthling's heads. COFFEE!
Hello Anonymous Eartling with Feathers.. we are The Belmattrons. We are masters of hiding in all years and places when we can find our map. You are'nt on our map but we will find you and talk Belm to you. The poor hobo is a poor Earthling specimen and we shit on him.
You are better spellers than I am but I'm not an Eartling. This could be a clue as to where on your map I might be found!
We are exellemt spellers. You are in Central Africa and our map is on Belm.
My comment went away and anon's reply came up on my screen...only it was a reply to a comment I made on her blog...strange things are afoot, and I now I need to go take a shit.
Debra Kay.. the gamma rays from our shit can effect blogging systems. We hope you have a good one and a nice cup of tea after.
I did not know that Toulouse-Lautrec was living in Edwardian England.... Love the rubber duckies.
Merlinprincesse.. he is a hobo look-a-like of Toulouse Lautrec and has special ducks.
I noticed the ducks and how the Belmattron ship made them multiply! Windy there wasn't it! With a little percussion...
Anonymous.. we controlled the ducks. Our musical instruments blew away.
HOW COULD YOU? REALLY! To cut the hand from a poor hobo look alike and then whisper sweetly to the viewers of shit and bill adorned avian elastic hydrocarbon polymers. If it is the last thing I do, with the last ounce of my power, the last drop of my blood, I SHALL STOP THIS DECREPITUDE! I SHALL FIND A PHONE BOOK! I SHALL CALL THE EQUITY UNION... and at least make sure he's receiving proper compensation for the hand severance. About 2p should cover it methinks.
I think I might have squashed a Belmattron. Before throwing it in the Recycle Bin
G3TFilms.. the hobo's hand just dropped off by itself and he has'nt noticed. You will never be able to stop us WE ARE THE BELMATTRONS and we are here to spread shit!!!
ElizT.. it was'nt one of us but if you had a spaceship in your Recycle Bin it will probably come back and throw you in the bin.
Mushroom Mushroom Belmattron!
I saw Rasputin on the film. Were you responsible for his madness?
Anonymous.. Twit Twit Anonymous.
Ces.. he drank a lot of vodka and jumped out the window.
Thankyou Belmattrons for your search in spaaaaaace for Jack! *Tweet tweet you're sweet*! but wouldn't try biting one of you ...
We have turned our map the right way up but can't find where we are now.
That's not a map, it's a circuit diagram for a late 20 century recreation of Von Kempelen's Chess machine. I think you just moved Queens Knight to Queens bishop three.
We also scored a hat-trick in a cup final we were'nt even playing in. Von Kempelen was'nt very good on goal.
Where am I!?! Am I LOST AGAIN!?! BWARK!
Jack you have landed on Belm. You must be a dimensional traveler!
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